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Why invest with Percension?

  • Life is busy. Resulting in a lack of time to manage your investments

  • General uncertainty. About whether you are investing correctly, in the right accounts or the right amounts

  • Decisions are tough. Prioritizing various needs is a challenge (Do I invest more in my 401k or pay off debt?)

  • Finances are unorganized. Owning similar accounts across different institutions gets messy (i.e. 401k or IRAs)

  • Retirement is new. As your career thrives, you have greater opportunity to invest and think about the future

  • Retirement is now. As your career ends, you need to earn income and sustain what you have saved

Our investment management provides clients a number of distinct benefits:

  • A disciplined process. Balancing your investment return needs with investment risk

  • Peace-of-mind. As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm, our mission is looking out for your best interests

  • Alignment with goals. Cohesion between our investment decisions and your financial planning needs

  • Proactive management. To make investment changes when needed

  • Zero conflicts. Our "fee-only" structure means unbiased advice. We do not earn commissions or incentives

Two factors guide our process for making investment decisions:

  1. Your investment needs

  2. Our market analysis

Your needs: Investment decisions should fit your specific needs. Your needs stem from knowing your current finances, future goals, risk tolerance and investment timeline. These four factors help us determine the right investment approach to meet your needs.

Our analysis: Our process focuses on the use of price charts and statistics. We draw conclusions on where to invest based on this data. We look for price trends within:

  • Asset classes - stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.

  • Sectors - stock funds like Technology, Energy or Consumer Staples; bond funds like High-Yield or Treasuries

  • Individual stocks - primarily within sectors we deem the strongest

When we buy funds, we buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs). We do not own mutual funds. We typically hold ETFs and stocks for weeks or months, rather than years. We do not day-trade. Our conviction to buy or sell a particular investment stems from our price-trend analysis. We always take risk into account, as limiting or preventing losses is very important to us and our clients.


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We manage the following types of accounts:

  • Traditional IRAs

  • Roth IRAs

  • 401k Rollovers

  • Individual brokerage accounts ("taxable" accounts)

  • Joint brokerage accounts (e.g. co-owned between spouses)

  • Brokerage accounts requiring Power-of-Attorney (i.e. aging parent empowers son/daughter to make decisions)

  • SEP IRAs

  • Simple IRAs